Saturday, August 10, 2013

Respect for the Fallen

Motorcycles thundered down Jefferson Street here is Huntington today, to honor a fallen Sergeant, a hero of the war in the Middle East. I didn't even know the brave young man but I was reduced to tears as cars stopped out of the profound respect that was felt. I thought about all of you and how your fathers and mother, brother, sister and friends - people you know - may be gone, injured or may not return. Know that you are loved. Know that there are people you can talk to. Know that I will listen if you want to jot out a post.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Did you know, when you’re a teen you are supposed to get mad at Dad every once in the while? I didn't say disrespectful—I used another word for angry—mad. When you and Dad fight, you are polishing your independence on a trusted ally. Try listening. He may be right.

It is written: Exodus 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." (NIV©2011) To honor your father is to respect him and not do something that would embarrass the family. Adam Shoemaker, in Escape from the Belfry, believed his father had destroyed the family name. It was up to him to earn back the family honor.

What if your father doesn't respect you? Learn from his mistakes and remember, when you live your life in a way that honors him, YOU will live long in the place God gives you. Wow, in the long run, you win! When you forgive your father, YOU benefit. Let's pray:

"Father God, sometimes I get mad at my dad. Thank you for giving me a dad who loves me in spite of how many times I get angry with him. Let me grow up so I can respect my father in spite of his shortcomings. When I love and respect my dad, I am showing my love for you. In the name of Jesus, your son, I pray. Amen"


"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

Saturday, June 15, 2013


There are all kinds of dads. I know yours is probably great, gone, or a groaner. You love him or you would like to love him. Either way, he’s still dad. 

Great! Many dads are the best ever! They play catch in the yard and show up at every game. When there’s a problem, they sit and talk it out with patience and love. Great dads also never let you get by with anything. He helps you grow in character by giving you the chance to be responsible: to yourself, your family and the community. If you pick flowers from a neighbor’s yard, you take them back. If you drive through that yard many years later, Dad’s chest swells with pride as you replant the turf. What a Great dad! 

Gone! Some dads are gone. They are in the military and are deployed for long periods of time. In Escape from the Belfry, Adam’s dad never came home after the war and Adam felt humiliated. Other dads have work that takes them out of town a lot and they aren’t there for your ball game or special program. Some dads are no longer in the house due to separation or divorce. You miss him and may even blame him for his absence. He isn’t gone because of you. The problems are between the adults – your parents. You will always have a dad. Dads and kids don’t get a divorce. 

Groaner! Some dads are silly. Between you and me, they can be embarrassing sometimes. They love to tell jokes that aren’t funny or give away secrets you wish had not been revealed. A few dads swear at people and become angry over the tiniest little thing. They make a fool of themselves and you. Just step a few feet away, enjoy the view from your corner of the world and let him do his kaboody dance, over there, by himself. His anger isn’t about you. It’s about him. 

There is another dad, ABBA— Daddy, Father God, who loves you more than life itself. Find a man of God: a pastor, an uncle, or a mentor who can help you grow in the Lord. You will have a dad who is the greatest, never gone, and not a groaner. He will never embarrass you. He will only make fools of those who don’t want to know him. Let us pray: 

“Father, Abba, I come to you today to invite you into my life completely. Father’s Day and the days that follow, will always be a reminder of the new father I have claimed because you claimed me first. Forgive me for being mad at my dad. Flood his heart with your love so that only you shine forth. May the best of all you have come to my dad. Thank you for calling me your child. In the name of Jesus, your son, I pray. Amen”

"God gives us stories that testify to His love. Let me tell you mine."
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp


Monday, May 27, 2013

Sometimes We Wonder

Sometimes we wonder where God is when a tornado or other disaster hits those we love and even those we have never met, or when people abuse us. Where is God? He is right there with you, loving you, comforting you, and wrapping you in the promise of life - on this side of Heaven and on the other.

God never promised that life with him would be problem free. He promised that life with him will be lived in the shelter of his arms where peace is abundant. Imagine an armful of Love, full of color and sweet fragrance. Earthly life will always be lived within the fireworks display of the world he created. But, our heart can experience the love of God even while the World rushes on. Don't look for whose fault life is. Look to God, whose love and peace we can hold onto when Life happens.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sometimes There Are No Answers

We wonder why anyone would harm someone else like they did in Boston earlier this week. We search and ask for some logical explanation for their cruelty. But, sometimes there are no answers. Harming another is not how God programed us. Jesus said we should love one another, even our enemies. When someone deliberately causes another’s death or injury that is way out of our understanding, or anything we call logical. So, we cannot use logic, our thinking ability, to figure out why someone would do something so terrible. It is illogical.

There is darkness in a few people where love cannot live. Thank Gods that there are very few of them. Do not be afraid. The Lord God knows your name and even how many hairs you have on your head. He is pure and complete love and he is with you always, to comfort and guide you. His love is bigger than any hate in the world.

Do not worry. Do not try to figure out why someone would harm people who are just out running on a beautiful day and those who love them and wait for them to cross the finish line. I will not lie to you. A handful of people will try to block the light of love . . . but Love always wins. Don’t let people who hate, change the love you have for others: your family and friends and the stranger in your midst. We are people of love and it is wonderful that we cannot figure out the logic of hate. Who would want to? God knows their heart and he knows yours too. We are Easter people. We are the people of the cross. We know what love is and we know how to pass it along. Remember, you are loved by the King of Kings, our Lord God.

Friday, March 29, 2013

What's Good About Good Friday?

As Christians, we slow down on Good Friday and thank God for his son, Jesus. But, what's so good about the day Jesus died on the cross? Pain and suffering are not something we seek. In fact, Jesus had said, "Take this cup from me." But, he would do his father's will - God's will.

When we learned to walk as a child, each new step was a building block, a path, for the next step we took. Memory traces were created in the brain so that the way of walking would open the door for us to be able to grow in our movement. If Mama got up and moved, the children cried because that memory trace from Mama to the rest of the play room had not been created. So, Mama came and got the child and a new path was drawn, a portal was opened. Jesus died, so he could raise from the dead and live. He ascended, went up, into heaven and created a memory trace for all of us to follow when we believe in him and believe he walked before us. So, it is a marvelous Friday! Christ Jesus opened the door. He walked through the portal that leads to Heaven so that we could find the way. Let us pray:

"Father God, we know your tears were shed on Good Friday when your only son died. With those tears we are washed clean. We thank you for your son Jesus and we choose to say, "I want the Holy Spirit in my heart today" so that we can be his disciple and do His unfinished work of Love here on Earth. Thank you, thank you Lord God for all you are and we long to worship you. In the name of Jesus your son, our redeemer and savior, we pray.  Amen
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Resurrection Eggs

We talked about looking at the Christian symbols in Easter toys and candy. My friend Rilla in Colorado told me about Resurrection Eggs her grandson had brought over. I saw the same thing in the Family Christian bookstore catalog I received in the mail. Each egg has a small symbol that tells the story of the week that led up to Jesus' crucifixion, except the last one. The final egg is empty because the tomb was empty. The body of Jesus wasn't there! Christ arose from the grave. Isn't that amazing?! Praise the Lord God!

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ gives you and me new life too. We don't have to be disappointed, or sad, or angry. We can be set free from all that yucky stuff when we accept the joy of Easter and live each day for the love of God. Let us pray:

"Father God, for this Easter time, may I see your love when I see a chocolate bunny and Jesus' sacrifice when I see candy crosses. I ask for a religious expereince this Easter holiday. The Lord Jesus Christ died for me  - and he rose so that I can live for him. Amen"
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, March 11, 2013


Do you know why people created The Easter Bunny? They thought it was a good way to teach children that the new born bunny was like the new life we have when we believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. It sounds nice, but the Easter Bunny isn't real. The new life we are promised because Jesus died and rose from the dead for us, is very real.

If you want to see the Peeps or stuffed bunnies as symbols of Easter, then enjoy the taste and play, but don't mix up truth with fiction. They can be fun candy to eat at this time of year, but that is all.

Jesus' resurrection from death did not make a rabbit come to life, it made you and me come alive in his world, in the kingdom of God. This Easter, remember we celebrate the holiday because it is holy, not because it is sweet or fuzzy. Let us pray:

"Father God, you are the one God of us all. And, this Easter, I want you to be my only true God. I thank Jesus for being willing to die for me. When he rose from the dead to new life, he lifted me up too. I want to have him in my heart forever. In the power of Jesus name I pray.  Amen"
"Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp"

Saturday, February 23, 2013

They Don't See Me

"If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all."  Romans 12:18  ESV

"I'm the middle kid," a boy told me. "Mom and Dad cheer when my brother plays football and laughs with my little sister does her cute thing. They don't even see me."

I don't pretend to know your family or their feelings for you. I only know the bond I have with my own six children. Three are birth children and three are adopted. I can assure you with everything in me that your parents love you all equally. But, they may not treat you equally. They may not know how. Sometimes, one of the parents and one of the kids have a sport or interest in common and so they have more to talk about. As far as your little sister, if she is cute like you describe and does funny things, it is easy to see why attention is turned to her. She's a little attention grabber who steals all the air out of the room. But, you still love her and would not let anyone harm her.

Listen to what your mom and dad talk about, their work and their activities. Read up on their sports or interests so you can connect with them. Yes, I know, they are the adults and they should seek you out. But, someone may have to teach them how to be parents of three, not two children, and that teacher may be you. So, learn about them; ask them what they did as kids; you be the first one to connect. You cannot change them, but it is within your power to change yourself. Don't be someone "else." God made you to be you. But, you can change your reaction to them. You can choose not to be hurt or angry. You can choose to get to know them and when you do, they will know you better. Let's ask God for help:

"Father, Abba, God, you know me better than anyone. You created me to be the person I am and I know that is a miracle of love. Help me to toss anger and hurt feelings in your giant trash can. Let me show love to my family. Give me patience if they don't see it at first. Love wins and I am playing the game of life knowing that is true. In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen"

Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pray for Those Who Are Bullied

Let's pray for kids who are bullied. I know some of you haven't told anyone about it. The bully may have threatened you or you may be embarrassed and feel crummy inside. They may say your parents will be punished or in danger if the word gets out. They may say no one will believe you. But, whatever the reason, you have not told anyone. Your silence has given them power.

Tell your parents, tell your teacher or principal, tell a trusted friend, grandparent, Sunday school teacher or pastor. Use your cell phone to get their stinkin' words on a recording or maybe a video clip. You have power. God will give you strength. Let us pray:

"Papa God, I am amazed by you. Give me strength to get back the power over my life that a bully has tried to take away. I belong to you, Father, I give you all the power over my life. Guide me to the person I can trust to tell about the bully. Give me strength to speak truth to meanness and lies. I trust you God. In the name of your son, Jesus, I pray.  Amen"

Dr. Doris Rapp
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Courage to Speak

A child told me today that she didn't speak her mind to her dad because she usually just sits back and lets others talk. Her dad has been gone a lot lately and she needs him at home. She needs courage to speak up in confident, loving tones. She could pray:

"Father God, you are so amazing, I know I don't understand all your ways. I want to be close to you. I ask you to give me the courage and strength to tell my dad how I feel. I don't want to be angry or sad. I just what to tell him that I need him. Forgive me when I have not told him how I really feel. You are all powerful. I trust you to give me the courage to speak truth in love. In the name of Jesus, your son, I pray.  Amen"
Dr. Doris Rapp
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp