Saturday, February 23, 2013

They Don't See Me

"If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all."  Romans 12:18  ESV

"I'm the middle kid," a boy told me. "Mom and Dad cheer when my brother plays football and laughs with my little sister does her cute thing. They don't even see me."

I don't pretend to know your family or their feelings for you. I only know the bond I have with my own six children. Three are birth children and three are adopted. I can assure you with everything in me that your parents love you all equally. But, they may not treat you equally. They may not know how. Sometimes, one of the parents and one of the kids have a sport or interest in common and so they have more to talk about. As far as your little sister, if she is cute like you describe and does funny things, it is easy to see why attention is turned to her. She's a little attention grabber who steals all the air out of the room. But, you still love her and would not let anyone harm her.

Listen to what your mom and dad talk about, their work and their activities. Read up on their sports or interests so you can connect with them. Yes, I know, they are the adults and they should seek you out. But, someone may have to teach them how to be parents of three, not two children, and that teacher may be you. So, learn about them; ask them what they did as kids; you be the first one to connect. You cannot change them, but it is within your power to change yourself. Don't be someone "else." God made you to be you. But, you can change your reaction to them. You can choose not to be hurt or angry. You can choose to get to know them and when you do, they will know you better. Let's ask God for help:

"Father, Abba, God, you know me better than anyone. You created me to be the person I am and I know that is a miracle of love. Help me to toss anger and hurt feelings in your giant trash can. Let me show love to my family. Give me patience if they don't see it at first. Love wins and I am playing the game of life knowing that is true. In the name of Jesus I pray.  Amen"

Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

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