Friday, March 29, 2013

What's Good About Good Friday?

As Christians, we slow down on Good Friday and thank God for his son, Jesus. But, what's so good about the day Jesus died on the cross? Pain and suffering are not something we seek. In fact, Jesus had said, "Take this cup from me." But, he would do his father's will - God's will.

When we learned to walk as a child, each new step was a building block, a path, for the next step we took. Memory traces were created in the brain so that the way of walking would open the door for us to be able to grow in our movement. If Mama got up and moved, the children cried because that memory trace from Mama to the rest of the play room had not been created. So, Mama came and got the child and a new path was drawn, a portal was opened. Jesus died, so he could raise from the dead and live. He ascended, went up, into heaven and created a memory trace for all of us to follow when we believe in him and believe he walked before us. So, it is a marvelous Friday! Christ Jesus opened the door. He walked through the portal that leads to Heaven so that we could find the way. Let us pray:

"Father God, we know your tears were shed on Good Friday when your only son died. With those tears we are washed clean. We thank you for your son Jesus and we choose to say, "I want the Holy Spirit in my heart today" so that we can be his disciple and do His unfinished work of Love here on Earth. Thank you, thank you Lord God for all you are and we long to worship you. In the name of Jesus your son, our redeemer and savior, we pray.  Amen
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Resurrection Eggs

We talked about looking at the Christian symbols in Easter toys and candy. My friend Rilla in Colorado told me about Resurrection Eggs her grandson had brought over. I saw the same thing in the Family Christian bookstore catalog I received in the mail. Each egg has a small symbol that tells the story of the week that led up to Jesus' crucifixion, except the last one. The final egg is empty because the tomb was empty. The body of Jesus wasn't there! Christ arose from the grave. Isn't that amazing?! Praise the Lord God!

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ gives you and me new life too. We don't have to be disappointed, or sad, or angry. We can be set free from all that yucky stuff when we accept the joy of Easter and live each day for the love of God. Let us pray:

"Father God, for this Easter time, may I see your love when I see a chocolate bunny and Jesus' sacrifice when I see candy crosses. I ask for a religious expereince this Easter holiday. The Lord Jesus Christ died for me  - and he rose so that I can live for him. Amen"
Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp

Monday, March 11, 2013


Do you know why people created The Easter Bunny? They thought it was a good way to teach children that the new born bunny was like the new life we have when we believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. It sounds nice, but the Easter Bunny isn't real. The new life we are promised because Jesus died and rose from the dead for us, is very real.

If you want to see the Peeps or stuffed bunnies as symbols of Easter, then enjoy the taste and play, but don't mix up truth with fiction. They can be fun candy to eat at this time of year, but that is all.

Jesus' resurrection from death did not make a rabbit come to life, it made you and me come alive in his world, in the kingdom of God. This Easter, remember we celebrate the holiday because it is holy, not because it is sweet or fuzzy. Let us pray:

"Father God, you are the one God of us all. And, this Easter, I want you to be my only true God. I thank Jesus for being willing to die for me. When he rose from the dead to new life, he lifted me up too. I want to have him in my heart forever. In the power of Jesus name I pray.  Amen"
"Copyright 2013 Doris Gaines Rapp"